The Soul is the essence of all people and confirms our divinity
Ko te Wairua i roto i te Ngākau o ngā tāngata katoa, hei
whakamana ō tātou ātaahuatanga
There is an aspect of God within each of us, known as the Soul, whose essence knows itself from the oneness and divinity to which it belongs. This oneness is our interconnectedness to each other and to everything. When connected to, our Soul can deeply feel the truth of all things because we all come from the same universal order, the same oneness that is love. Our Soul is a living quality within us and in connection to our Soul we can live with its natural qualities of harmony, love, joy, stillness and truth.
Returning to our Soul is the return back to this known universal way of being and living, with the awareness of the interconnectedness we all hold and therefore the responsibility that comes with such a way of life. Living from Soul is not a higher altered state reserved for those ‘special few’ and nor is it something that we need to ‘get to’. It is already within each and every one of us equally so, and therefore, it is simply a choice to return to the known essence of who we are.
The purpose of this section ‘Our Soul’ is to offer an understanding of the qualities of the Soul and present a living way to reconnect back to Soul.