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The living cycles of the earth and the sky, of all that surrounds and holds us in the Universe, return us to the natural truths of ancient days.

Ko ngā huri mataora ō Papa-tūā-nuku rāua ko Ranginui, e awhi ana tātou, hei whakahoki tātou ki te matauranga pono ō neherā.


The celestial rhythms above reflect to us the grandness and
divinity of who we are. We are continually given the opportunity to live in harmony with these rhythms and the cycles of nature
each and every day.

This is our environment

Living in reverence to these rhythms and cycles is a return back to the ancient wisdom that is our natural way.

This is the way for us to be and to walk with this land in the
knowing of who we are.

Return to Love NZ - Environment - Introd


Introduction to

Our Environment

The environment is earth, sky and all of us. In harmony we come together as one.

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Our Everyday Environment

What does our environment mean to us in our everyday?


Living With Nature

Our natural environment reflects to us constantly that we are part of something very grand. 

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Ancient Wisdom

This land of ancient days holds a universal wisdom reflecting an essence held within each of us.



Living Cycles

Our environment is constantly changing and affecting us in many ways with its rhythms and cycles.

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